Advantages of ground SES
Terms of investment payback depend on the efficiency of the selected equipment, the level of insolation in the region and the location of the panels. The approximate investment return period for a ground-based SPP of medium size is 7-8 years.
On the other hand, the implementation period of a ground-based SPP project is somewhat longer due to the need to coordinate all formal issues related to the land plot.
We will build a land-based SES for you:
Well-known global brands with a proven track record for technical durability and reliability. Our specialists with extensive industry experience and high engineering skills will offer the most effective solutions and build and commission your plant.
By contacting UPK ENERGY, you will receive full technical support at all stages – from design to commissioning of your solar power plant.
Procedure for the construction of ground-based solar power plants
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Architectural Activities”, onshore power generating facilities are architectural objects, the construction of which requires the issuance of permits and documents confirming the commissioning of the facility. The right to develop a land plot belongs to the owner or user, provided that the plot is used in accordance with urban planning documentation, as specified in part 4 of Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine “On Regulation of Urban Development”. This means that only the owner or user of the land plot is allowed to install a ground-based solar power plant.
Stages of the SPP construction project implementation
Commissioning of ground SES
Commissioning of completed facilities (for CC1 class facilities – by submitting a declaration of readiness, for CC2 and CC3 class facilities – by obtaining a certificate confirming readiness for operation). The procedure for commissioning is regulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 461 dated 13 April 2011 “On Commissioning of Completed Construction Objects”.
State registration of ownership of a completed facility takes place after it is put into operation.
We will provide information on legal issues related to the construction of ground-based commercial solar power plants upon request.